Spiritual Practice vs. Religion
More than ever humankind needs the life of the spirit. When we look at the role of religion in the world we see little of the life of the spirit and too much that brings injury to human beings. It is important to understand the distinction between religion and spirituality, the difference between religious denominations and institutions on one hand, and on the other, the disciplines, traditions, and communities of spiritual practice.
Religion is based on belief and established patterns of moral law, philosophy, and absolute doctrinal truth claims. Religion is a closed system that reinforces separateness from the other. Spirituality is based on praxis and disciplines of attention and will. Spirituality is a discovery, learning mode of reaching into the unknown. Spiritual praxis, whether as an individual or in community, opens to ever deeper conscious communion or connection with the Ultimate and therefore with unitive relational life -alone, in community, and in Creation. Spiritual practice is an open system that seeks connection in unitive life with the other.
What does humankind need now?
Blessings to all,
Bill Ryan
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